Saturday, January 11, 2014

Like Water for Chocolate

Welcome back - it's time for the second and last semester of your senior year! That means it's time to read several novels/plays. I highly suggest you set aside a regular amount of time each night for reading; you do not want to fall behind.

Our first novel is Laura Esquivel's Like Water for Chocolate. I think you are really going to enjoy this book - it's also going to make you very hungry!

Here is some information, links, etc. that I think you may find helpful. Happy reading!

Here is the Sparknote for Like Water for Chocolate.

Below you will find our reading schedule. Note that when we are done reading, we will have a test and an essay. Both of these assessments require extensive and deep analysis of the text. Not only is it essential for you to actually read the novel, you need to also THINK about it (the symbolism, subtext, motifs, etc.). Consider, for example, this question:

Q: How does Nacha's death affect Tita?

While an answer like "It makes Tita sad" is technically correct, it is not an acceptable answer. Think about it - almost everyone is sad when someone dies; that answer not only does not require you to think deeply about the novel, you don't even have to read it or know who these people are to give that answer. A better answer would involve how Nacha was really Tita's MOTHER and a part of Tita died with her. Not only that, but now Tita has to take over Nacha's servant duties, which parallels the fact that her destiny in life seems to be to be her mother (Mama Elena)'s servant. This also further separates her from her two older sisters.

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